TESDA-Abra successfully conducted the World Café of Opportunities (WCO) cum National Tech-Voc Day at Abra Sports Complex, Zone 3, Bangued, Abra, on August 28, 2024, in celebration of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) 30th Founding Anniversary with the theme, ‘‘Empowering the people through the provision of deliverable and accessible employment opportunities.’’
During the WCO, the focus sectors were Agriculture, Tourism, IT-BPM, Construction, Wholesale, and Retail Trading.
Out of the 615 job seekers, five (5) were Hired-On-The-Spots (HOTS) and eighty-two (82) were Near-Hires.
The WCO was participated by the different National Government Agencies (NGAs), Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs), TESDA Training Institutions (TTI), and private companies — serving as a one-stop shop for all participants.
The Job Linkages/Fair was facilitated by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Abra Field Office and Public Employment and Services Office under the Provincial Government of Abra. PESO/CTEC of the Municipality of Luba, Daguioman, Tayum, San Isidro, Villaviciosa, Boliney, Sallapadan, and Danglas also partook in the event and served as secretariat/registration team, usher/usherettes, and evaluation team.
In addition, TESDA-Abra facilitated the release of the Training Support Fund (TSF)/Allowance to the sixty-five (65) scholars taking Diploma in Agricultural Technology (DAT), Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Technology (DHRT), Bread and Pasty Production (BPP), Trainers Methodology (TM) Level I, and Motorcycle and Small Engine Servicing (MSES).
Also, the National Enrollment and Application were conducted by the five (5) TVIs/TTIs with eighty-nine (89) enrollees.

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