All courses registered in TESDA require a competency-based curriculum (CBC) to be implemented, which focuses on teaching students about relevant knowledge and skills to be used by learners. The International Bureau of Education defines CBC as thus:
A curriculum that emphasizes the complex outcomes of a learning process (i.e. knowledge, skills and attitudes to be applied by learners) rather than mainly focusing on what learners are expected to learn about in terms of traditionally-defined subject content. In principle such a curriculum is learner-centered and adaptive to the changing needs of students, teachers and society. It implies that learning activities and environments are chosen so that learners can acquire and apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes to situations they encounter in everyday life. Competency-based curricula are usually designed around a set of key competences/competencies that can be cross-curricular and/or subject-bound.
Competency-Based Curriculum is the first stage of developing educational document which is closely linked to competency standards. A CBC is a framework or guide for the subsequent detailed development of competencies, associated methodologies, training and assessment resources. The CBC specifies the outcomes which are consistent with the requirements of the workplace as agreed through the industry and community consultations. When competency standards do not exist, curriculum developers need to clearly define the learning outcomes to be attained. The standard of performance required must be appropriate to industry and occupational needs.
For institutions who wish to register a specific qualification for their schools, please refer to the link below for a list of downloadable documents as reference for developing their CBCs (external site):
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