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In observance of Earth Month 2024, with the theme “Planets vs. Plastics,” which aims to end the use of plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, TESDA PO Abra personnel promote the use of tumblers and reusable drinking bottles.

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Reducing single-use plastics is crucial to combating environmental pollution. By opting for reusable items like water bottles and containers instead of disposable plastics, we can significantly decrease the amount of waste that ends up in our environment. The negative impact of plastic pollution on wildlife, ecosystems, and human health highlights the importance of making sustainable choices. Selecting products with minimal packaging and choosing eco-friendly alternatives not only minimizes waste but also contributes to a healthier planet.

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As a way of conserving energy, “Turn off lights when not in use” signage was posted in the office. Additionally, the air conditioner is scheduled to open only from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 25°C. The office also uses a solar power system.

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Further, as part of the Earth Month Celebration, TESDA Abra personnel, together with the members of the Executive Committee of TESDA CAR, had a 20-minute hike before reaching the Quiling Crystal Cave located at Libtec, Dolores. The group also visited Abra’s finest Lusuac Spring Resort in Lusuac, Lagayan. The participants discovered and enjoyed the whole day being with nature. This also promotes the tourist attractions/destinations in the province.

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May 2024