The year 2024 marked a significant milestone for the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Provincial Office of Apayao as it convened the first meeting of the year, bringing together the Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) and TESDA Technology Institutions (TTIs). This momentous gathering was a testament to the commitment of TESDA in fostering collaboration and synergy within the technical vocational education and training (TVET) sector.

The meeting commenced with a solemn prayer, a unifying rendition of the national anthem, and the opening remarks delivered by the esteemed TESDA Provincial Director, Engr. Glenn N. Murphy. His address set the tone for the proceedings, emphasizing the pursuit of excellence and the continuous journey towards improvement. The poignant quote, “In search of excellence, there is no finish line,” resonated with the attendees, underscoring the enduring quest for quality and proficiency in TVET.

The primary objectives of the meeting were multifaceted, encompassing crucial updates on guidelines for implementing scholarship programs, comprehensive reports, and requirements for establishing a new assessment center. These focal points underscored the commitment of TESDA and its affiliated institutions to enhance access to quality education and skills training, thereby empowering individuals to pursue meaningful and sustainable livelihoods.

Furthermore, the meeting provided a platform for deliberating on the various types of awards to be conferred upon the outstanding TVIs and TTIs in the province and regional context. This recognition of excellence served as a catalyst for continuous improvement and served to motivate institutions to strive for exemplary performance in their respective domains.

The proceedings culminated in the pivotal election of new officers for the Apayao Technical Vocational Institutions Association (ATVIA). This esteemed association, comprising two public TESDA institutions and eight private institutions serves as a collaborative platform for sharing best practices, fostering innovation, and collectively advancing the TVET landscape in the province of Apayao.

The cooperative ethos of ATVIA embodies the spirit of partnership and collective progress, as member institutions synergize their efforts to elevate the quality and relevance of TVET programs. This collaborative framework not only fosters mutual support and exchange of expertise but also underscores the commitment of the institutions to uplift the communities they serve through skills development and capacity building.

The meeting served as a testament to the enduring spirit of collaboration, the relentless pursuit of excellence, and the collective endeavor to chart new horizons in TVET. As the participants departed, they carried with them a renewed sense of purpose, fortified by the shared commitment to transcend boundaries, surmount challenges, and propel the TVET sector towards greater heights of distinction and impact.

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July 2024